I like to cook. Sometimes my daughter likes to eat.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Introducing Pickyfingers

I've been thinking about doing something with food and blogging for a while. It hasn't fit into Casa Robmaliam, although parenting has changed my cooking and eating more than anything else since a stint in the kitchen just after college. I was a disaster there, the slowest prepcook in recorded history.

But I left that kitchen with new skills and a new appreciation for well-prepared food, which I've maintained, and when I stumbled on
CityMama and her other blog, FamilyFood, a lightbulb went off -- just start another blog!

I'm not a
foodie, nor a dedicated chowhound. We hardly eat out anymore, and then the choices are based more on proximity, the opportunity to catch up with friends, and whether MZ can handle the place, and visa versa. Fortunately, in SF, we never need visit a chain, "ethnic" mom'n'pop restaurants are almost always happy to see a baby. So restaurants will get a mention, I'm sure.

But mostly this is a place to jot down what I'm cooking these days, mostly stuff made up on a whim, riffed off a recipe or two and what's available in the pantry and on the clock. Previously a leisurely cook, I'm learning to make it happen within the time confines of a budding toddler. And rather than combing the neighborhoods for new food adventures, I comb the aisles for things she might consider eating -- things that have flavor and food value, things that aren't just chicken nuggets and mac'n'cheese.

So, without further ado, I introduce pickyfingers... bon appétit!


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